How to cancel sent email message in G-mail

How to cancel sent email message in G-mail

G-mail is a free email program created by Google. G mail 
provide Undo Send feature which allows you to cancel or undo your sent email.This feature is hidden from most of users who don't know how to use it. You can only cancel or undo the emails which will be sent after installing it only after some time according to the cancellation period set by you.

1. Log in to your G mail account, then click on the settings icon and then choose settings as shown below    

2.Now in settings menu you will see Labs option click on that and now you will see search box. Now in search box type "Undo Send" and search it,now as soon as you Enable it and click on Save your G mail will load again so that that plugin could be brought in action.

Now compose a email or reply to anyone else, type your message and than click on Send. Now you will see a subtle line of text will appear above your Inbox saying Your message has been sent. It will be accompanied by a few extra options. Among them is Undo, click undo and you email will be cancelled and go to Drafts for future use.By default, G-mail gives you a 10 second time in which you may undo a sent e-mail. You can change that to 5, 20 or 30 seconds by going to Settings then general and find Undo Send section......

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